After a seemingly endless period of scary news, we’re finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Public health officials and government leaders are beginning to show signs of cautious optimism regarding the novel coronavirus pandemic. Here in Ontario, Premier Ford recently revealed the government’s plan for a return to normal activity. It appears likely that allied health professionals will be among the first businesses allowed to return to regular operations, mostly because effective infection control procedures are already in place. With that in mind, we are preparing to welcome our patients back in the coming weeks. While we don’t have an official re-opening date yet, here are some things you can expect when you do visit us.
One other significant change that you will notice is one that has been a long time in the making, well before any issues related to pandemics! We are finally moving to an electronic record keeping system. No more paper! When you come in, Dr. Chris and I will be recording all the important information about your visit on a computer. Your personal information will be stored on a cloud-based platform with exceptional security measures. This process will take some getting used to, especially on the part of the providers. So please be patient with us as we get accustomed to the new software. Once we get comfortable with the record-keeping part of the program, we will expand it to include a variety of other features. We will be able to instantly generate account statements, share exercise routines via email and send you appointment reminders if you choose. We are really excited about introducing another great feature of the program to our patients: Online booking. A number of you have asked about being able to book online for some time now. And we are happy to say that we’re only a few months away from finally being able to offer this service. Getting in to see us will be easier than ever!
In the meantime, please remember that if you feel the need for urgent care, we are still available to see you. Call the office at 905 318 007 or email us at We will be sure to get back to you as soon as we can. As we wait for the green light to return to full services, I would like to extend our sincere thanks to our patients and staff. Thank you for your understanding during what has been an exceptionally difficult time for many of us. We look forward to seeing everyone back at Eastmount Chiropractic and Wellness Centre soon!